ICHEP 2010
Paris est la France, et la France est Paris
Ifyou have lived in France (but not in Paris) at least for a little while, you have certainly learned the hard way that there's no France outside Paris. Or, like the inhabitants of the City of Light prefer to put it, Paris est la France, et la France est Paris.While there are certainly good […]
ICHEP Day 4: the Higgs is not there. Yet.
ICHEP: snapshots from Monday plenary session
ICHEP: snapshots from Saturday sessions

ICHEP Day 3: jets!
CP violation, CKM and Rare Decays that succeed in packing a lot of people in one of the smaller rooms. Maybe the average ICHEP participant decided to make the grasse matinee, or simply to be a tourist in the City of Light […]
Saturdaysessions were not really well attended. if we exclude the one on ICHEP Day 2: Higgs at Tevatron, Higgs at LHC, Higgs on the BBC
Fridayafternoon I sat again in a relatively packed room for the Higgs session. The effect of the rumor seems to fade away, but there is still quite a buzz around the Tevatron Higgs searches, especially because our friends are professionally distilling their results at a tantalizing pace, and - in case you missed that - […]
Auch, ci tocca pure Sarkozy

Theremust be some secret competition among the organizers of different conferences, aiming to to invent the most fancy gadget to offer the participants. While probably the organizers sincerely put some effort in this conference gadget business, reality is that the average participant rarely uses them, and often tosses them to dust in a remote angle […]