ICHEP: snapshots from Saturday sessions
The Fermi SkyNot everyone is visiting Paris (but still...)A supernova exploding in Salle MaillotLonely poster sessionThe trouble with Ultra High Energy Cosmic RaysPreparing for the President... […]
Fare un po' di quelle cose che si prendono solo i ritagli
Piccole geek crescono
Knuth’s Tex for the Math-kings of sigma, and pi,Unix vim for the Server-lords with their O’Reilly tomes,Word for Mortal Men doomed to die,Emacs from the Bearded One on his Gnu throne,In the land of Stallman where free software lies.One Emacs to rule them all. One Emacs to find them,One Emacs to take commands and to[…]
Scusate l'assenza, ma abbiamo appena traslocato, e siamo ancora nei cartoni... […]